I had been looking to add an On Board Air system for a while. I knew that a belt driven would move alot more air, but I liked the idea of keeping the AC and the no hassle electric compressor hook up. I started looking a electric compressors like quick Air/ARB/Viair etc. but the price just killed me. I started to look for a better option. While I was working on a Ford Expedition I noticed the Air ride compressor, it looked very similar to the quick air and other aftermarket ones. The price for a new air ride compressor was also outrageous so I hit the Pull-A-Part wrecking yard. There is a great abundance of old Cadillac's and Oldsmobile that used these. I grabbed four of them for $8.50 each!
Once home I began to weigh my options for plumbing the airline. The easiest route would be to use a similar air line to what originally came with the compressor. In my opinion it was much too small and also I wanted this to look professional (just to fool people). I removed the canister the sits between the compressor and the airline and started trying out Air line fittings. I ended up using a************* (will be updating soon with pics and correct nomenclature). it will need to be shortened and had "ears" ground into the lip.
Once the fitting is modified slip an o-ring onto the end stuff it into the hole and reattach the retainer wire.
Once I had a fitting I began testing the compressors, ran an air line to the compressor and then to a pressure gauge. I would let each one pump the gauge until it peaked, usually around 110psi. I did have a couple "bad apples" so it pays to grab a few.
Now you can use whatever air line you would like. I opted for airline used with Air Ride suspension ( an issue of Truckin' pays off here, alot of air ride distributors), along with the compression fittings:
I hooked two compressors together and added a pressure cutoff switch. It turns the compressors on at 80psi and turns them off at 105psi again this was for an Air suspension kit.
The single line is run back to my bumper which has been plumbed for air, I used a manifold for a portable air tank (got it from NAPA) and added a quick connect on the other side.
The setup works great I have aired up about 12 tires without stopping, I realize it will probably burn them out sooner but for $8.50 Oh Well.